Welcome to the Water Quality Control Program (WQCP)

The Bishop Paiute Tribe (BPT) Water Quality Control Program began in 1998, just 2 years after the Tribal Environmental Management Office (EMO) was established. During the formation of the Water Quality Control Program, EMO initiated a complete assessment of waters within the exterior boundaries of the Bishop Paiute Reservation. In April 2006, the Bishop Paiute Tribe was granted "Treatment in the Same Manner as a State (TAS)" under §518(e) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) for purposes of administering CWA §303(c) and §401. This approval awards the Tribe authority to administer water quality standards and issue certifications (401) on the surface and groundwater of the Bishop Reservation

  • The Water Quality Control Program monitors surface waters to protect a number of uses, particularly but not limited to municipal and domestic supply, agricultural supply, groundwater recharge, recreation, wildlife habitat, and cultural. Surface water samples are currently collected and analyzed for bacteria (E. coli) and nutrients (total phosphorus and nitrates). In situ surface water measurements are made to determine temperature, pH, conductivity, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen parameters. Samples of fish tissue, sediment, and benthic macroinvertebrates are also collected regularly for water quality purposes. Present uses for groundwater are municipal and domestic supply, industrial service supply, agricultural and cultural. The water level of the uppermost, unconfined aquifer is monitored at numerous shallow wells scattered across the Reservation. Two deeper wells are monitored to determine the water level of a deep aquitard and even deeper confined aquifer. Groundwater is sampled on a regular basis and analyzed for bacteria (E. coli), chemical constituents, and radioactivity to monitor potential sources of contamination.

    The Water Quality Control Program established and maintains multiple continuous surface water monitoring stations along both the north and south forks of Bishop Creek within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation. This advancement in technology provides the Water Quality Control Program with a more complete data set and a more robust data management system.

  • The Bishop Paiute Tribal Environmental Laboratory (BPTEL) was established in 1999 to provide bacteria (total coliform and E. Coli) analyses by the Colilert© method. We currently analyze domestic water samples from tribal and other utility organizations for compliance with federal regulations and ambient water samples for recreational purposes. Ambient water for recreational purposes can also be analyzed for total phosphorus and total nitrogen at an additional cost.

    BPTEL first received EPA Certification to analyze drinking water for total coliform and E. coli in August 29, 2006. Regular on-site evaluations are conducted for the purpose of renewing certification for analyzing drinking water samples under the U.S. EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Program. The laboratory's certification is good through September 2024 and can be viewed here.

    If you would like to have drinking water sampled for bacteria or an ambient water sample analyzed for bacteria, total nitrogen, and/or total phosphorus please contact the Water Quality Control Program Coordinator or the Water Quality Control Specialist. Pricing for sample analysis can be found here.

What We Do

Water Quality Standards

The Bishop Paiute Tribal Council passed the Water Quality Control Plan for the Bishop Paiute Reservation in August of 2007. This document set water quality standards for the Bishop Creek and other surface waters within the exterior boundaries of the Reservation.